easy A

January 17, 2011

I might have to watch this film again! The script is so clever, it moves so fast, that I am sure I missed a few things! And Emma Stone’s performance is worth seeing a second time!

In a nutshell

In order to be noticed at school clean-cut, Olive Pendergrass, relies on a false rumour that she has lost her virginity. The plan works and pretty soon every gay or overweight or nerdy boy pays her to include them in the rumour, to pretend that she had sex with them, in order to be noticed or no longer tortured.


Mood of the film

It is first and foremost an incredibly clever film, it did after all draw stalwarts like Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci to the film, but it is as funny as it is clever, without taking on a judgemental tone. (Okay, except perhaps for the label ‘Jesus freaks’, which I quite enjoyed.)


Best one liner

The top Jesus freak, Marianne, walks up to Olive who has just been outed for losing her virginity.

“You will be judged by a Higher Power!” she says.

“You mean, Tom Cruise?”




Mr Griffiths talks about Facebook. “I don’t know what your generation’s fascination is with documenting your every thought… but I can assure you, they’re not all diamonds. ‘Roman is having an OK day, and bought a Coke Zero at the gas station. Raise the roof.’ Who gives a rat’s ass?”


Best scene

There are so many! The first fake-sex scene stands out. Olive and Brandon lock themselves in a bedroom, knowing everyone is listening outside, and jumps on the bed, groans and slaps one another. With Olive being a virgin and Brandon being gay, they’re quite unfamiliar with the sounds and commentary that accompanies straight sex. Hilarity follows.


Best performance

Emma Stone! Emma Stone! Emma Stone!


What makes this film relevant today?

It deals with incredibly important issues such as teenage sex, the torture outsiders experience at school, the adults they turn to and how parents deal with it.



Olive’s whole family is named after food. Dill (dad), Rosemary (mom), Chip (brother), Kale (brother) and Olive!


Rotten Tomatoes Score



My Score


Youtube Link



Boring details

Starring: Emma Stone, Penn Badgley, Patricia Clarkson, Stanley Tucci, Dan Byrd

Running Time: 1 hr. 32 min.

Directed By: Will Gluck

Rated: PG-13 [See Full Rating]
