
'n Ongelooflike liefdesverhaal: Jo, 'n professionele fotograaf, en Leigh, 'n popsanger, ontmoet tydens 'n funksie. Kort hierna tuimel albei se lewens inmekaar, maar 'n romanse ontwikkel wat groot belofte inhou. 'n Groep paparazzi steel dan 'n teer, maar onskuldige oomblik tussen die twee en basuin dit aan die wereld uit – kort voor Leigh weer 'n terugkeer na die verhoog sou moes maak. Kan die liefde tussen hulle werk? Hierdie twee se outydse hofmakery word die hartklop van roman wat die leser se aandag sal hou tot die laaste bladsy toe.

After a bitter family feud because she is gay, photographer Jo is cut off from her niece and nephew. It is this loss that influences her photography from that point forward. She runs off to London, where she bumps into Leigh, a singer. Leigh encourages Jo to exhibit her photography in a London gallery. She becomes close to the two-year-old son of the gallery owner, and that only opens up old wounds. Leigh has her own demons to fight, but a romance nevertheless develops between the two, even though they both know Leigh s relationships rarely lasts longer than three months. Can the love between them survive? Their courtship forms the core of this novel.

Foto's ingesluit in die roman / Images included in the novel

Onderhoud in Afrikaans / Interview with English subtitles

in Afrikaans
Interview about October
with English subtitles

Resensies en onderhoude
