Beasts of the Southern Wild – Charmingly traumatic

December 3, 2012

The team behind Beasts of the Southern Wild has created a broken, battered and yet hauntingly brave world, where beauty is not guaranteed, but utterly worth fighting for, and you get to spend some time in this world.

In a nutshell

Six-year-old Hushpuppy lost her mom ages ago. Her dad is ailing. Her world, a forgotten Southern bayou, is a stark, dangerous place filled with fiercely flawed, but brave, individuals. When a storm disrupts her life, and the balance she so strongly believes in, these memorable individuals fall apart, stand strong, drink copious amounts of alcohol and fight for their lives.

Mood of the film

On one hand it is magical, almost mythical, and on the other hand it is terrifying. You expect the worst of people, and the worst possible outcome for Hushpuppy.

Best performances

Quvenzhané Wallis is utterly believable as the defiant, strong Hushpuppy. Watch out for the scene where she flexes her little muscles and shouts at her dad, “I’m the man!”.

Standout scene

Hushpuppy’s vulnerability is never more visible than when she dons a welding mask, lights the gas stove with a flamethrower and eventually burns down her house.


I could go digging around for some, but if I have to try that hard to find any negatives, then they’re not worth noticing.

Is the film relevant today?

It touches on really important issues, such as how removed we are, in fact, from death, from nature and from reality. I was thinking throughout the film that this Northern Suburbs Joburger would not last five minutes in that world.

Does it cop out?

Nope. You know Hushpuppy’s life forward is going to be tough and brutal, yet you leave the cinema with hope.


Dwight Henry (Wink) owned a bakery where the crew put up an audition notice. He was invited to audition. He got the role, but could not be reached, because he had moved his bakery to bigger premises. Two months went by before they found him. He declined the offer, as he was focusing on his bakery. However, every crew member rocked up at the bakery and pleaded with him. He accepted the role, but only on condition that they could rehearse during his midnight “baking hours”!

Rotten Tomatoes Score


My score


Director: Benh Zeitlin
Starring: Quvenzhané Wallis (Hushpuppy), Dwight Henry (Wink)
Length: 1 hr 31 mins
Reney’s rating: 90%

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