‘Brothers’ by The Black Keys

July 14, 2010

My friend, Eddie the Farmer, has a farmhouse outside Boons. (Closest dorp Magalies. Closest Woollies Rustenburg.) In this farmhouse he has a Smeg gas oven, a Rancillio Silva espresso machine, a Morsø fireplace, an original Salvador Dali print in a gold frame, a BOSE sound system and Lagavulin whiskey. Visiting Eddie the Farmer is fun.


He taught us about wine, coffee, whiskey and the Boran cow breed. We showed him The White Stripes live under Blackpool Lights, gave him fresh vanilla from Madagascar and a single truffle mushroom smuggled in from Italy. We believe we supply him some joy too.


Competing for the Bose remote is a common activity on the farm. We take turns in blowing the socks off one another. After the birth of his little girl, who tends to nap every now and again, we had to plan these sessions more carefully. So when driving out I make sure I have new and interesting music and I decide beforehand which track to play first, which track will be the most powerful or most impressive to hear first.


Well, with Brothers there is no decision to make. I simply have to find a window of opportunity between baby naps and play him the whole album.


To get a taste of what is in store for Ed, go to www.theblackkeys.com immediately and download the free track ‘Ohio’ when you register on the site.


If you can’t find their music in South Africa go to www.7digital.co.uk and frigging buy it with a South African credit card. (You might have to pretend to live in the UK though… You didn’t hear that from me.)


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