coffee from brazil

March 26, 2010


The one advantage of having friends who travel the world, friends who are as passionate as I am about the small things in life, is that they bring little gifts that excite me to no end. So my dear friend Shane returned from Brazil with a packet of organic Spress Café ground coffee! 


Brazilian coffee is renowned as a strong, dark roasted brew. Even the smell when I opened the vacuum packed ‘brick’ was dark and foreboding. As someone who prefers a full bodied, medium roast espresso, I was prepared to enjoy the experience, but find it too strong and dark.


I was wrong! Yes, it is strong and dark, which as a rule makes my tastebuds close up and hide, but in the case of this coffee I could still taste and smell the mysteries of Brazil long after I finished the espresso.


Thanks, Shane.


PS: Shane, do you remember the hot chick back in 1992 who sold both of us a pair of leather boots in Rio de Janeiro? We would have bought anything from her…


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