Driving Lessons (FILM)

October 22, 2009

driving_lessons‘Driving Lessons’, 2006 (Written in English 06/2007)


This is an intelligent and incredibly funny film. It had me in hysterics from the moment Dame Evie appeared. The film refrains from becoming clichéd or soppy by not falling into certain potholes that I can’t mention without revealing the plot. 


Rupert Grint, a.k.a. Ron Weasley from Harry Potter, is good enough, although the awkward, geeky nerd with the weird family was merely an extension of his Harry Potter character. He either looked shocked or embarrassed throughout the movie.


Laura Linney as his wacko ‘religious’ mother was so good it made my skin crawl. She gave the same mesmerising performance in Mystic River opposite Sean Penn.


The true gem of this film is however Julie Walters as Dame Evie Walters. The experience and wisdom she brings to the production is almost too ‘big’ for the big screen. She effortlessly switches between brave and rude to vulnerable and lonely in the same scene. Her comedic timing is spot on and her body languages and gestures portray the mood of every scene perfectly, especially where inebriated or upset. Hats off to you, Julie.

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