Moon (FILM)

May 27, 2010

Moon is not a first date movie. In fact, I am not sure what kind of film Moon is. Yes, it certainly is brilliant as you never see it coming (and I normally irritate fellow movie goers by whispering to them what is coming as I always see it coming), but it is also an uncomfortable film to watch.



In a nutshell…

Sam lives alone on a base station on the moon. He is looking after the harvesters that harvest Helium-3 on the moon and he then ships it back to earth. His life is monotonous. His 3 year contract is about to expire. He can’t wait to see his wife and daughter again. Then there is an accident…

The mood of the film…

This somber film is uncomfortable to watch. I attribute it to the tension present right from the start. Sam is tense, his daily routine is bugging him, he is disheveled and really, really pale, almost sickly. A quick flash on a screen of a healthy, neat Sam confuses Sam and the viewer. Then there are the visions of a woman… You know something is coming, but you have no idea what it is. For the first half you sit on the edge of your seat, for the second half you keep saying, No way, to whoever is watching with you.


Best one liner…

Sam tells Gerty the computer, ‘Listen, why don’t you relax. Why don’t you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopedia.’


Best scene…

I cannot describe this without giving away the ‘No way’ aspect. All I will say is look for the irony when the injured Sam is carried back to the vehicle he crashed earlier in the film.


What makes the film relevant today?

It comments on corporate greed.


Rotten Tomatoes score…



My score…



Youtube link

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