After the Wedding (FILM)

February 25, 2010

I have seen many great films over the last few years. Some one-liners and plot twists have faded from memory, while some scenes and characters are still as clear as day. ‘After the Wedding’ will be a film that is utterly impossible to forget.


In a nutshell

Jacob does relief work amongst children in India. He is called back to Denmark to shake the hand of a possible funder. Once in Copenhagen, he is invited to attend the wedding of the billionaire’s daughter. The plot thickens when he recognizes her mother as a past love.


The mood of the film

The word ‘beautiful’ is used far too easily. It has become such a commonplace term in our everyday life that is has lost some of its allure, some of its command. So I shudder at the thought of using it to describe this film. And yet, no other word can quite encompass the feeling that ‘After the Wedding’ evoked in me. So, think of the most honorable, fragile and haunting connotation that the word ‘beautiful’ has ever had, and that is ‘After the Wedding’.

It captures the integrity and kindness that we are all capable of showing.


Best one liner

I cannot remember the exact words, but the sentiment is clear. Spending time with the people that takes a place in your heart is all that matters.


Best scene

It will make no sense to describe this scene for it will sound like nothing at all. Watch the film to see the tenderness with which Mads Mikkelson picks up and embraces the 8-yeard old Pramod.


What makes this film relevant today?

We chase after money, careers and material things, when all we should be doing is appreciating the people we love, the kindness others show us and the journey that is life.


Rotten Tomatoes score



My score


Youtube link


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