Toni Collette

April 11, 2010



Showtime gave us Weeds, The L Word, Dexter and Californication. Diablo Cody gave us June. Together they give us The United State of Tara, an edgy, but authentic comedy with a foulmouthed whopper of a script.


Tara is a 35year old worn out wife and mother of a teenage slut and young gay son. T, a bubble gum chewing teenage slut, is her first ‘alter’ or alter ego. Alice, a cake baking ‘dolled up’ 1950’s housewife is her second ‘alter’. Last, but certainly most hilarious, is Buck, the cigarette smoking, ball scratching truck driver ‘alter’. They are all fighting for dominance, hence the title.


Toni Collette, Muriel from Muriel’s Wedding, effortlessly pulls off both the comedy and drama that this series requires. Even though entertaining at first, the psychology of dissociative identity disorder is soon introduced with wit and gravity.


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