Tori Amos – American Doll Posse (MUSIC)

October 22, 2009

toriWhen it comes to Tori Amos we should all accept the fact that compared to her we are all morons. For a courageous moment I even attempted reading the semi-autobiographical book she published in 2005. Even though it is titled, Piece by piece, I found it too overwhelming to read and only managed Chapter One……


Don’t let it put you off though from buying her music and being swept away into her world. Even if we don’t understand her or her lyrics, we can still feel what she felt when she wrote and recorded the music and believe me on this album it is a glorious feeling.


My copy of the limited edition American Doll Posse was pre-ordered on Amazon months before the release. Whilst waiting anxiously I had to be content with scouring her website and reading press releases and reviews. According to the official press release Tori created five personas for the record and they are Tori, Pip, Santa, Clyde and Isabel. I disagree. I don’t think she created the personas, I think she was born with them and that we are better of for having known them. She is not confined to this planet when creating an album and she will tell you as much herself.


Yes, there’s 23 tracks consisting of full length songs and a few of the exquisite one minute interludes she started using on Boys for Pele, a new rock undertone, bluesy piano numbers, sweeping melodies, angst ridden cries and the unmistakable Tori voice.


And, yes she tackles George W in the opening song and her first single, Big wheel is not receiving airplay because she refers to herself as M.I.L.F. in the chorus. (Google the term, I had to.)


And yes the critics are saying it is one of her best albums to date. They compare it to Songs from the Choirgirl Hotel. Some reviewer even said it is, at her age (44), brave of her to go into performance art with the five characters she created.

I simply say buy the CD and service your car, because you will want to

go on a road trip to listen to this album.

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