Black Snake Moan (FILM)

October 23, 2009

blackImagine a blonde, skinny, big eyed nymph. Go ahead, close your eyes and imagine it. Does that in any way sound like Christina Ricci? Little Wednesday from The Addams Family? No, I hear all of you say. Go watch Black Snake Moan and forever hold your peace.


There will never be a clear verdict in the case of Black Snake Moan, because the critics will never agree on it. Some love it, some hate it and the average ‘tomatometer’ rating is therefore average. We can’t always rely on Rotten Tomatoes though, as their Cream of the Crop rating for The Addams Family is 17%! Shocking, I know.


Let’s get back to Christina though. She’s never played it safe or thank the heavens opted out for American candy floss dribble. Her movies have always been as odd as she is. BSM is no different. Christina does parade around in panties and a small t-shirt for the first half of the film whilst being chained to a furnace.


The chain that ‘earths’ her might be too obvious and her redemption too easy according to some. What makes this movie an experience however are the performances. As always Christina Ricci gets under your skin and makes you uncomfortable as the destructive yet fragile, Rae. To counter her is Samuel L. Jackson as a slightly alcoholic, but solid and likeable blues guitarist out to cure her of evil. Strangely enough Justine Timberlake turns in an earnest portrayal as Rae’s sensitive boyfriend.


All in all it is worth seeing just for Christina Ricci.

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