Gone, baby, gone (FILM)

October 23, 2009


One line at the beginning of the movie sets the tone for this incredible film. The aunt of the missing little 3-year old is trying to convince two private detectives to take the case.


“She’s a child and I don’t know where she is.”


That’s it. No long, dramatic, American schmaltzy monologue. I remember thinking, that if this is the kind of poignant movie Ben Affleck is going to direct, he should give acting up altogether. (It would no great loss anyway.) Casey is more than qualified to take over as the actor in the family and he is exceptional in ‘Gone, baby, gone’. I first saw him in “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford” and he played the coward with such sincerity that it made the audience sympathise with him. Be warned though, Casey’s Boston accent is very heavy. It took 10minutes of adjusting the volume and trying out every sound profile on my amplifier, to realise it was in fact they way he speaks.


Back to Ben. A great photographer once said that a great photograph hides the techniques used to capture the moment. You are only confronted by the powerful image or message. Ben Affleck succeeds in this department. The cinematography, perfect casting and incredible performances all fall away/come together to deliver a powerful story that draws you in immediately. What I particularly liked is that you never see ‘it’, a twist, a surprise, coming your way. Right until the end, you’re spellbound. Well done to the Afflecks.


PS: watch out for the moustache.

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