Hellboy I and II (FILM)

October 23, 2009


It is all about having fun and pretends to be nothing else but a movie about a cartoon character. Hellboy is a blood red, cigar smoking, cat loving, superhero whose destiny is to ultimately open the gates of hell and destroy the earth. But for the meanwhile he kills the baddies and grinds his horns down to two protruding stubs on his forehead to blend in!


Ron Pearlman is perfectly cast as this rebel with a dark and mysterious cause. His comic timing is spot on. If you’re completely covered in a latex superhero suit that only leaves your eyes to communicate emotion, and you still have the audience laugh and sympathise with you, you surely have some acting ability.


The mood of both films is set by the frigging brilliant Guillermo Del Toro who also directed ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’. He can create a completely foreign, strange, but beautiful world that the viewer feels completely comfortable in. He is also a master of blending fantasy and ‘real life’. In ‘Hellboy’ he uses the blossoming relationship between Hellboy and Liz to balance the action, fantasies and humor.


And perfect, they are for another. Liz explodes into a fireball on occasion. Hellboy is fireproof!

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